Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 44: Vegas Watch OUT!

Last night after completing my WOD, I got home, has my post workout snack, showered, ate dinner and then looked in my closet.  I looked at all the dresses I owned and decided to try them all on to see how I looked / felt in them. 

This was a BIG RISK. 

As Dennis knows this was only going to end one of two ways.  One, the dresses were going to fit and I was going to be happy and excited OR they weren't going to fit and I would have a serious melt down. 

I started with the two dresses I have "oh so carefully" chosen for my Vegas Trip in September.   Dennis' 30th is that weekend and we are planning on going to an Ultra Club for some Bottle Service so I wanted to make sure to dress the part.  I put the dress on and I was very happy with what I was looking at.  I was eager to try on the next. 

I always get approval from Colleen before I puchase!

I think I ended up trying on at least 10 dresses, some in which I haven't worn since 2007, and not a single complaint.  The weirder thing that happened to me was instead of focusing on my stomach I kept focusing on my shoulders and upper body.  I would flex my arms to see if there was any definition, and there was....it was pretty cool. 

Granted I have a long way to go, but today was a success.  I kept my sanity while trying on dresses and I'm starting to feel MUCH better about my body.  Even though I've been hovering between 149 and 152lbs, I know that I've come a long way and I'm not sure how much lower I can get the scale.

I know there is going to come a point where my body will change as far as muscle, density, and distribution but the number on the scale won't  move. 

As I promised last week I am going to start paying close attention to my weights and start building up more strength.  I think I have lost all my easy fat and now it is time to focus on toning and building more muscle. 

Any advice out there on losing those pesky last 5 or so lbs?

2 Rounds
3 Minutes of Double Unders
1 Minute Plank

5 Rounds
5 Deadlifts (85)
10 Burpees


3 Minutes of Goat: Real Push-Ups 17

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