Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 23: Endurance Athletes

The Biggest Loser Competition is long since over and from now on I am considered an "Endurance Athlete" at Crossfit, which is just a really nice way of keeping me in the weight loss group. 

The "Endurance Athletes" will have slightly different work outs than the main group, meaning instead of finding my max reps of cleans, I will do a row for time, or some other cardio based exercise.  No Problemo!

Row, Row, Row Your Boat...

I like my progression here, Biggest Loser to Endurance Athlete.  If I get down to the weight I want, then MAYBE I will consider doing the more intense strength, but nothing to be worrying about just yet. 

3,000m Row (18:29)
5 x 10 Back Squats

800m Run x 3
3 minute break between each round

3:27, 3:30, 4:04

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