Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 30: You Want Me to Do What?

Knowing the WOD's the night before can be a great thing or a HORRIBLE thing.  Our new nightly tradition before sleep, Dennis and I eagerly read the workout for the next day.  To our horror we read this:

WOD: Angie
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats


So of course, all day at work I sat at my desk thinking about the WOD and wondering how long it's going to take me to finish. 

I even post on FB how I'm not looking forward to the WOD and one of my friend commented saying "Suck it up" with Dennis quickly "liking" that comment.  Now I'm in a HORRIBLE mood. 

I show up at the gym at 5pm and my thoughts where CLEARLY written on my face. 

Not only do I have to do the WOD, but as an Endurance Athlete my warm up is a 1,000m Row and 10 sets of 8 Shoulder Press' (not sure if thats the name...basically I was lifting the bar from my shoulders to over my head). 

Sweet -Legs and Arms already Jello for the WOD. 


Not only was I intimidated/angry about the WOD the very first song that came on for the WOD was the one song that gives me Crossfit Nightmares!  For whatever reason this particular song comes up very often during workouts and I have found that when I hear this song anywhere else, I want to crawl into the fetal position and cry. 

Fast forward to 30 minutes into the WOD.  I'm the only person left and when you are the last person still working, everybody cheers you on.  This would be fantastic if you liked that sort of thing, but for some reason it infuriates me! 

FINALLY I am done.  Holy Crap that was hard! 

I'm the 7th Body In (Blue Shirt)

1,000 Meter Row
10 x 8 Shoulder Press

WOD: Angie
100 Pull Ups - Green/Purple Band
100 Push Ups - Knees
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats


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