Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 42: I Had Nothing Left

The Sunday WOD was moved from 9am to 11am since Mike and Molly were at "Lockdown" until 8am, which was fine by me.  Dennis had tickets to the Phillies game so I was going alone.

I got to the gym and to  my horror I read this:

150 Pull Ups
150 Kettlebell Swings
150 Double Unders
150 Over Head Squat
150 Butterfly Kicks

Only 1 partner can work at a time. 

LUCKILY it was a partner WOD so you had to down 150 between the two of you except for the Butterfly Kicks. 

I was partnered up with Cassie and it was like I was instantly intimidated. 

I already knew that Cassie is a stronger person than I and I was worried about not being able to carry my own weight.  I lacked confidence in this WOD and I know that was my number one mistake. 

We started off with pull ups, we each did as many as we could and switched off.  That wasn't too horrible, I know that I wasn't using my hips as much as I should be, and that killed my arms. 

onto the Kettlebells.  I JUST got upgraded to the 1pood weight, which is still very challenging to me, but I had to get through it. 

The only part of the work out I felt like I contributed was the Double Unders.  Cassie has been working on them for as along as I can remember and she can get a couple, but has trouble stringing them together.  I am no expert but I was able to get 5, 10 if i was lucky in a row, which helped us get through them.

I don't even really want to talk about the Over Head Squats.  I was first using a 45lb bar and I'm pretty sure after about 10 or 15 squats I was crying.  The heat was incredible and everybody in the gym was soaked to the bone in sweat.  I down graded to the 35lb bar and I felt like I could squat forever.  Mental note, 35 is too easy, 45 is way too hard. 

Finally we got to the last part and I was just grateful that the butterfly kicks are done laying down. 

Final Time:  41:10

I legit didn't move for the rest of the day.  I got some house things done, but for the most part I sat around and did nothing.  I was asleep by 8:30am so clearly I was wiped out from the entire weekend.

Congrats to Mike and Molly who came in 1st (men's) and 2nd (woman's) at the Lockdown.  I am so proud to be a part of the Crossfit610 Family!

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