Here is a perfect example of how you can not always have control over things.
Last night, Dennis and I were going to go on a 20 mile bike ride with a friend after work, so we agreed to go to the 6am WOD.
5am, I talk Dennis out of making me go to the WOD. I don't bring any gym clothes to work because I'm going home before the bike ride.
4pm, life happens and we can't go bike riding, Dennis has already gone to Crossift and I have NO EXERCISE plans for the evening. If I hurry home, get changed quick, and hurry to Crossfit, I could make the 6pm class, but I get stuck at work and there is zero chance of making it to a WOD.
What's a girl to do?
I remembered that Mike posted a Home WOD on the 4th of July since Crossfit was closed. So that's what I did!
It's a good reminder that you can plan things as best you can, but things don't always work out that way. And when things like that happen, you just have to make the best out of it.
10 Box Jumps
8 Hand Release Push Ups
6+10 Rounds
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