Wednesday, August 31, 2011

23 Days to Vegas: Bruised and Broken

This is the picture I woke up to this morning....a fellow crossfitter took a spill  while visiting a box in Vegas.  GROSS! 

I felt really bad because I was the person who got her into Crossfit in the first place.  She was on the pull up bar and fell and luckily (sarcasm) there was a dumbell underneath her to soften her fall. 

I think before doing Crossfit I would never photograph my brusies, cuts, or blisters and now when I go into my iPhone photo gallery, that is all I find.  I think even though it stinks to get hurt, but for some reason there is a sense of pride in them. 

Today I am taking a rest day.  I have gone a good amount of days in a row and I need a rest.  I am going away on a mini vacation this weekend and will use the day to pack and get ready for my trip.  I have done some research to see if I can visit a new box while on vacation but the owners of the Crossfit Hyannis are away and the classes will not be held. 

Knowing this I have to make sure that I have some travel WODS handy and of course my new jump rope that Dennis bought me.  How sweet right?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

24 Days to Vegas: The Small Things

OBVIOUSLY I'm not doing Crossfit to compete to be the "World's Fittest Person."  I first joined Crossfit to lose weight and just now I am started to focus on my strength and getting stronger.  So since I'm probably never going to compete on the larger scale, what are the smaller/real life benefits of doing Crossfit?

1. I only need to try on 1 outfit for work.  Before Crossfit, it would take me at least 3 different combos of pants and shirts that fit before I went to work. 

2. I can carry ALL my groceries from my car to my house.  I used to have to take multiple trips back and forth.  And I ALWAYS tell the bagger to "bag them heavy." 

3. I accidentally embarrassed one of my coworkers who was having trouble opening a bag of shredded cheese.  He was struggling so I offered to help and I easily opened the bag.  BTW this motivated him to immediately join his local Crossfit box. 

4. I sleep like a rock.  I used to lay down, toss and turn, and/or have to read in  bed to get my eyes tired before I could fall asleep.  Now I'm asleep before I hit the pillow. 

5. I've made a lot of really awesome crossfit friends.

6. Let's face it, I look better in the clothes that I wear now, so my husband is enjoying the view and well, what that leads to has also improved. 

7.  I can help Dennis with moving furniture (rather than supervising) and same goes with heavy yard work. 

8.  When I get mad at Dennis and I want to slam a door, I can really slam a door now with ANGER! 

9.  No matter how crazy my friends think I am, or how proud of me they are, I always feel like I could do better.  This keeps me motavated to go back for more and keep improving. 

10.  When I'm out dancing or at a concert I can jump and point (our trademark dance) for hours! 

My point being, even though I will never be a Crossfit "BEAST" I can be me with a few athletic surprises up my sleeve. 

2 x 800 Meter Run
10 Power Cleans (45lbs)

AMRAP 20 Minutes
10 T2B
165 Meter Run w/25lbs Plate


Monday, August 29, 2011

25 Days to Vegas: Thruster? I Don't Even Know Her!

It has occurred to me that I still have yet to repeat the same WOD and I hope I NEVER have to repeat the one we had to do today. 

To make matters worse, I promised myself that two times a week I would do two WODs....and today was one of them.  AYE!

I didn't make it to the 6am class, so now I had the entire day to dread my double work out. 

Trainer Molly knew we all were in for a hellish workout so she kept pumping us up by assuring us it was a mental workout more than anything.  I at first laughed it can weightlifting be "all mental"? 

Here was the WOD:

100 Thrusters
4 Burpees on the Minute every Minute until you get to 100 Thrusters. 

I got to about 30 Thrusters and I had a sheer moment of panic.  I thought there was zero chance of me finishing.  I wanted to quit and I didn't think I'd get this WOD done.  I would do two or three thrusters and then have to take a 20 second break, only to have to do my 4 burpees.  Then I would go two minutes without doing ANY thrusters.  I was freaking out. 

I finally go to 50, and I started convincing myself that the 2nd half wouldn't be was!  Every time I did a minute without any thrusters I would freak out even more....just delaying finishing.  I was practically crying mid WOD. 

After about 20+ minutes I had 10 left and thank the lord I got them in before the minute was up so I didn't have to do another set of burpees.  I set the bar down and just laid there on the ground trying to catch my breath. 

750 Meter Row
8 Rounds TABATA - Plank Holds
2x10 Back Squat
2x10 Shoulder Press

100 Thrusters (45lbs)
4 Burpees on the Minute every Minute until you get to 100 Thrusters. 



I decided for my 2nd WOD I would do Annie. 

Abmat Sit Ups

13:47 RX 

Boy am I going to sleep well tonight!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

26 Days to Vegas: Hurricane Irene

These are one of the times when being married to a meteorologist is AWESOME!  While the general public is creating mass hysteria by purchasing 5 gallons of milk (which by the way will spoil if power goes out) and enough bread to make 156 sandwiches, Dennis and I simply moved our patio furniture in and made sure we had working flashlights handy. 

We went to bed on Saturday night and I was rudely waken up by Dennis in a sheer panic.  Apparently he heard some branches fall and wanted to make sure the house was ok.  I, clearly not hearing the tree, started to smell burning and got really nervous.  Even though it was only 4am, we got up and ventured out to see what was going on.  Sadly we saw this:

Luckily neither of the two large branches hit our house so there was zero damage.  The burning smell that I noticed was coming from down the street.  A transformer had exploded and some wires set a person's garage on fire with a car in it!  And this all happened before 5am!! 

Dennis and I went back to bed, and woke up to no power in the house!  Again not a huge problem, just more of an inconvenience.  We were up at 8am and started getting ready for the WOD.  Yes.  That is right...not even a Hurricane can keep us from going to Crossfit. 

We ventured out and in no time we were forced to turn around due to roads flooding.  Luckily 22 was fine and we arrived right on time! 

Sundays are partner WODS and Heather and I were partners.  We killed it! 

Split Between Partners
25 DU
50 Dealfits  (95lbs)
50 Push ups
50 Floor Sweeps (45lbs)
50 Ground to OVH DB  (20lbs)
25 DU


Saturday, August 27, 2011

27 Days to Vegas: Windy's First Group WOD

Since I've joined Crossfit, it's 90% of what I talk about.  When I have lunch with my coworkers, I see how long I can go without  mentioning Crossfit or talking about the WOD I did that morning....I usually don't last too long without it coming up.  The good news about this is that one of my coworkers told his wife about it, she came to a Free Woman's class with me, and ended up joining!  She took all of her element classes (3 classes you have to take before you can workout with the group) and was ready for her first Group WOD. 

The WOD was a Hero, which is typically harder, but Windy did great and I was really proud of her.  The class was packed so there were two heats, which allowed the people in the 2nd heat to walk around and help people in the first heat, which was much appreciated. 

After the WOD was done, Dennis and I ran lots of errands to prepare for Irene and to get some major housework done.  We are redoing two rooms in our house (paint and carpet) so we stocked up on paint supplies and groceries. 

We got home and were just completely exhausted from the week, WOD, and shopping.  I immediately went upstairs to lay down and took a 3 hour nap.  My arms were Jello, and I simply did not feel like doing anything.  This is a reoccurring pattern on Saturdays and/or Sundays when the WOD's are extra hard.  The wonderful thing is, it's a GOOD tired feeling.  It's not a "I stayed up too late" tired.  It's a "I've used a ton of energy being physical and I just need to nap tired."  I FREAKING LOVE IT!

5 Rounds
5 Power Cleans
10 Front Squats
5 Jeks
20 Pull Ups
90 Second Rest Between Rounds

27:56  (65lbs)

Friday, August 26, 2011

28 Days to Vegas: WINNING!

Today is my rest day and I am VERY grateful for it.  The WOD today was "Annie" and Dennis and I decided that we would do that later on in the week as our double workout. 

I am really excited to report that I won a facebook drawing!  Now, if you are one of my friends and reading this, you are probably rolling your eyes and saying "of course you did" and if you DON'T know me personally, you are happy and excited! 

I just happen to be one of those people that wins things more times than not.  I've won diamond necklaces, gift cards, raffles, and of course my biggest claim to fame is my $1,000 game of Bingo on my cruise.  Well, friends and strangers, I just won myself a free Personalized Crossfit Journal from JournalMENU.  I simply "liked" the page, and out of 400 "likes" they picked me.  Whoop Whoop! 

Erica and I quickly got starting tailoring the journal with what I wanted to have in it.  She sent me a template and I picked out the sections that I wanted her to include.  It's really awesome!  I'll be able to track all my WODs and more importantly keep track of my weights.  I know I do that here in my blog, but this I can keep at Crossfit610 and quickly reference.  This is huge for me since I am trying to increase my weights to get up to being prescribed. 

I'm also excited because she took a photo that I had of myself doing a WOD and she included that on the back cover and we put 610's  logo on the front.  It's in the mail and I am eagerly waiting it's arrival.  I listed their website on the right column if anybody is interested in getting their own! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

29 Days to Vegas: How Low Can You Go?

Two a days are hard!  Even though I was extremely tired and my hands were distroyed from the T2B's I still got up for the 6am WOD today.  I knew we were going to be doing some pull ups so I grabbed my Bike Gloves to try to make them less painful.....they helped...a little. 

Yes, those are ripped callouses!

We started out with dynamic stretching which I always consider a gift.  This is where as a group we spend a few minutes doing different stretches to really loosen up our bodies.  It feels amazing.  Again it's a gift. 

Today I had a doctor's appointment (more on this in another Blog) and I had to laugh.  When the nurse took my pulse she asked me if I was either a runner or an extreme athlete.  I said no I'm not a runner, but I guess you can consider what I do and extreme sport, why?  She said that my beats per minute was in the 50's which is way lower than the typical 80-60 range.  I laughed and just chalked it up as another health benefit of Crossfit. 

I remember when I was in college I would constantly bug my friend that was an EMT to take my resting heart rate.  I knew that athletes had lower than average heart rates and since I was very active in college I was currious what mine was.  The lowest I ever got it was I've taken that PR and crushed it. 

Tomorrow is going to be my first rest day this week and I am very much looking forward to it.  No big traveling plans this weekend so I am hoping to get both the Saturday and Sunday WOD in. 

Dynamic Stretching

Chest to Bars (double purple band)
Box Jumps (24 Inces)  NEW PR!


30 Reps Pistols
30 Reps Overhead Squat (45lbs)
400 Meter Run

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

30 Days to Vegas: KAREN....That Bitch!

Crossfit has this thing about naming workouts after either hero's or girls.  I think there are about 20 Girls workouts...and one of them just happens to be named....KAREN. 

I had dodged this bullet once before when 610's WOD was KAREN and I took the day off just to spite the workout.  Today though, I just couldn't skip. 

The prescribed weight of the wall ball is 14lbs, but since I couldn't remember the last time I did a wall ball I went with the 10lb ball.  And of course when it was over, I wished I had at least tried the 14lbs. 

The WOD went better than I thought, I was done in 10:09 and I was tired, but I felt pretty good. 

I told myself that until Vegas I have to go to Crossfit twice a day, twice a week in order to guarantee extra today was my two a day. 

I returned to CF with my friend Stephanie who wanted to give it a shot.  Stephanie who had some gymnastic experience really impressed me with her core strength.  It was a good time and we both enjoyed the WOD. 

10 Battle Ropes
10 Overhead Squats (35lbs)
4 Rounds
2 minute break

150 Wall Balls 10lbs

Jump Ropes

50 DU
30 T2B
40 DU
25 T2B
30 DU
20 T2B
20 DU
15 T2B
10 DU
10 T2B

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

31 Days to Vegas: Support Systems

After doing two Crossfit sessions yesterday, I wasn't sure if I would make it out for today's 6am.  The alarm goes off and I asked Dennis if he is going to go to the 6am session.  If you read between the lines, I'm REALLY asking if I can go back to sleep and go to Crossfit at 5pm instead.  Dennis says "I'm going" therefore I am going too. 

What keeps you motivated?

I just had a nice long convo with my old college roommate who just has taken up running again.  She and two of her friends have signed up for a 5k in September and they all have been training at their own leisure.  They all have an app on their phone that posts their milage and pace on facebook for all to see.  Dani (my old roommate) admitted that if she hasn't run yet and sees that her other friends have, it motavates her to go. 

What does it boil down to?  ACCOUNTABILITY!  

Dennis and I Being Accountable Together

Ring Rows

5 Minute AMRAP
25 DU
5 Ground to Overhead Dumbells   (2+14)

5 Minute AMRAP
100 Meter Run     (7)

5 Minute AMRAP   (2+13)
15 Sit Ups
15 Burpees

Monday, August 22, 2011

32 Days to Vegas: Double Workout OMG

OK sorry about that Video, but that really cracks me up and when anybody says "Double Insert Noun Here" I will always respond with OMG! 

So since Dennis and I were feeling particularly shitty about our WOD-less weekend, we decided to do a double workout (OMG!).  We carefully packed our gym bags to get us through the AM workout, work, and then straight to the 7pm Open Gym. 

3 x 300 Meter Row
1 Minute Break Between
3 x 7 Back Squats (90lbs)
4 x 5 Should Press (55lbs)

3 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (1 pood)
12 Pull Ups (Double Purple Band) (OMG!)


I was kinda sad about my time.  I have done "Helen" before (she is one of my favorites) and I had a time of 12:35.  I have to remember that my previous time was with a lighter Kettlebell and a more resistant pull up band.  Definitely keeps me eager to be better!

Fast Forward to 7pm

I arrived at Crossfit thinking I was going to do "Helen" again, but Trainer Evan said that it's not a good idea to do the same WOD twice in one day.  So I decided to get my burn on and do 30 minutes of cardio.

I did a 2,000 Meter row in 9:17.  Nobody else has dont a 2k row for time so guess who is on the PR board!?!

Then I decided to run a nice slow 800 meter run.  I didn't record my time but I'm assuming it took me about 8 minutes.

Then I did 10 minutes of Double Unders (OMG!..ok that was the last time I promise) and hitting my PR of 18 in a row!  The only issue with the ropes is they get woren down in the middle, which becomes wire and if you mess up your jumping this happens:
No Pain no Gain?

I am back on track with my dieting and I already feel great.  Eggs and fruit for breakfest, veggies for snacks, Chili for lunch, and trout for dinner.  Operation Vegas is back and in full effect! 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

34 & 33 Days to Vegas: Rest Weekend

I'm not exactly sure what happend, but I failed to do my traveling WODs that I had planned to do over the weekend. 

Dennis and I left for the shore Friday evening after work and arrived at about 10pm.  We got up nice and early (thanks crossfit for conditioning me to wake up NATURALLY at 5am now), and we started with a nice breakfast on the boardwalk.  I was good, got a veggie omelet with a side of sliced tomatoes instead of hash browns and toast and Dennis and I agreed to do the traveling WOD after. 

Well...that didn't happen.  We just kinda didn't bring it up and got ready for the beach. 

We set up camp right near the water and just relaxed.  Two of our friends met up with us and we just sat on the beach, responsibly drinking, and going for a dip the water when we got too hot.  The weather was perfect and it was just a much needed day. 

Once we left the beach Dennis and I headed out for a nice dinner at the Crap Trap.  I tried to be good, but the dinner rolls and fried shrimp were too much for me.  I had to indulge, so I did.  Sigh. 

Later that evening, Dennis and I walked the boardwalk and good lord does that test your self control!  Ice cream, Taffy, fudge, pizza, funnel cakes...repeat!  By the end of our walk I just HAD to get a slice of pizza, and to be honest, I wasn't that impressed. 

Sunday we traveled back home and when we got back I went into super organization mode.  We are redoing two rooms in our house and we just moved our bedroom to the top floor, so basically the house is a mess.  I made some major progress Sunday, but still didn't get a WOD in. 

Dennis and I have decided that from now on we are going to go twice a day on  Mondays and Thursdays.  We will do the WOD in the morning and then come back for open gym to work on some of the moves that we are still having trouble with...and of course to help burn off those extra treats we had this weekend! 

BTW I need to always wear sunscreen....always!!

I think my face says it all, "OUCH!"

Friday, August 19, 2011

36 & 35 Days to Vegas: MTV Rivals

Yesterday was my rest day and today I went to the 6am class alone to get my WOD in before my weekend in Ocean City, NJ.  I can't wait!

One of my favorite MTV shows of all times are the Challenges.  These are slight spin off's of the Real World and what used to be Road Rules.  For as long as I could remember I would eagerly await the new episodes each week to see what happens next. 

MTV Rivals Cast 2011
This season the Challenge was called "Rivals" and basically your partner through out the show is somebody that you have had a serious beef with in the past.  Genius!  It forces enemies to work together as a team and of course natural drama ensues. 

The things that the teams have to do are quite intense and very physically demanding.  I have heard the cast mention many times that they have trained for these types of challenges, and I have to wonder if ANY of them do crossfit? 

Crossfit610 2011 Hopefulls
Besides the fake boobs and bikinis.....there aren't too many differences between the two pics!

30 Seconds ON
10 Seconds OFF
8 Rounds of Rowing
8 Rounds of DU

3 x 10 Front Squat: 65lbs.

2 Power Clean
4 Power Clean
6 Power Clean
8 Power Clean
10 Power Clean
12 Power Clean

10:45 (55lbs)  

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

37 Days to Vegas: Fight Gone Bad

On Septemeber 17th 2011, I will be participating in the Fight Gone Bad fundraiser in Philly.  I am trying to raise $500 dollars which goes to three great causes: Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Crossfit Kids, and Camp Patriot.  Here is a link to my donation site if you'd like to contribute.  Even if it is a small amout ($5-$10) it is greatly appreciated! 

The Fight Gone Bad is a benchmark workout and goes as follows:  There are five stations:

Row (for Calories)
Sumo Deadlight High Pull
Box Jump
Push Press
Wall Ball

For 3 rounds you spend 1 minute at each station doing as many reps as possible.  You only get 1 minute break after each set of 5 stations are completed.  I am hoping to make Crossfit610 and all my donors proud!

Karen O'Donnell Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Page

DU and T2B

800 Meter Run
30 Power Snatches (45)
800 Meter RUn


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

38 Days to Vegas: Happy Birthday Crossfit610

Today is Crossfit610's 1 year birthday and I couldn't be happier to be part of the team/family.  My only regret?  I wish I had joined sooner!! 

I am so happy that Mike and Molly decided to open Crossfit610 and they have done a fantastic job running the box and training all the members, and they have forever changed me physically and mentally. Cheers to 1 year and to many, many  more!  

And now for the hard part of my blog......

When I first joined Crossfit I was completely intimidated, scared beyond belief, and wasn't your "traditional Crossfit client."  I was an elliptical type of girl that wanted to lose some weight and I never thought Trainer Mike and Molly would ever see anything more in me than that.  It's rare that this happens, but I was completely wrong. 

Mike made me feel welcomed and comfortable (ok well not ALWAYS comfortable) when at 610.  As long as I was willing to try what they asked of me, Mike would work with my ability level yet keep me challenged.  He made sure I was doing things correctly and always gave me a sense of accomplishment after the WODs and he always saw my potential.

As long as I walked into the gym everyday willing to work, he never quit on me, and here I am, dare to say a success story and walking advocate of Crossfit610.  

So Mike, I am very happy that you will be opening a new box in Long Beach, NY and if you run this box in the same manner as 610 I have faith that you will be nothing but successful.  You and Molly are extra ordinary trainers and more importantly you guys have become my friends, which I think means more.  Thank you again for everything you have done and taught me.  

2,000 Meter Row (Under 10 minutes)
400 Meter Run
25 Rebound Box Jumps (20")

365 Burpees

Karen 165
Cailtin 200
22 minutes

Monday, August 15, 2011

39 Days to Vegas: Happy Birthday Colleen!

Today is my sister-in-law's 27th birthday and to celebrate we are going to visit her and have dinner with her and some friends.  Knowing this Dennis and I planned to attend the morning WOD. 

I was fearing going this morning because I took Sunday off and typically going after a day off (and especially in the mornings) are harder than usual.  I started off with a 500 meter row and killed it.  I want to get on the board (see picture) and I think rowing is probably my best shot.  The lowest top score is a 500 meter row in 1:52 and I did it in 1:57.  Very close!

PR Board
I was also very excited that I got up to 85lbs on the back squat.  I am really eager to get some of my weights into the triple digits soon!

I had to laugh when I started the WOD I had a longer (red handle) jump rope and I could barely do any DU's.  I swapped out for the shorter rope (green handle) and I was stringing together 10+ jumps.  I guess I should still with the green handled ones. 

The ring rows were really challenging, I could only do about 3 in row and then breaking.  It wasn't that I was out of breath, it was that fact that after all that jumping my arms felt like jello and had to be shaken out after three reps. 

Back to paleo dieting today, after the WOD I had my normal 3 eggs, 1 cup blueberries, 1 plum, and 9 cashews.  Looking forward to feeling better and hopefully continuing seeing more results! 

500 Meter Row (1:57)
100 Flutter Kicks (L/R = 1)
2 x 10 Back Squat (85lbs)
3 x 7 Shoulder Press (55lbs)

100 DU
100 Ring Rows
100 DU


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cheat Week is Over!

Today was my last day of Cheat Week and it is bitter sweet. 

I very much enjoyed eating whatever I wanted, rather than what I should be eating, but I could not help but notice how crappy in general I felt.  You know that old expression "You are what you eat?"  I 100% know what they mean by that.  Eat crap, feel like crap, eat well, feel well.  

I spent most of today grocery food shopping and preparing foods for the week.  I made an amazingly delicious looking chili for my lunches this week and I can't wait to try it tomorrow.

I went to CF on Saturday and we had to do our WOD at a playground since we were locked out of the gym.  It was kinda sucky but overall I thought it was fun and more of a team building day than anything. 

Tomorrow starts the count down to Vegas blogs!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cheat Week

I've deemed this week my "cheat week" to keep my sanity after being good for 16 weeks.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to over indulge in my most missed foods, but I am going to loosen the reigns on what I am going to be eating.

I am not going to purchase any bad foods, I am simply going to eat things that I wasn't able to eat but had in the house.  For example, I had a box of stuffing and a can of cranberry sauce.  Both items weren't allowed, so this week I made the stuffing and some chicken and have been having that for lunch for the past week.  The good news here is that I divided up the stuffing, cranberry sauce, and chicken into four servings rather than eating all of it at once.  Now they are gone out of my house and I wont be buying them again.  Same goes with the two hot dogs and buns left over from a cookout.  I have a hard time throwing things away so that will be my dinner and now they are gone never to be replaced again.  See where I am going with this? 

I am SURE it will add a few pounds to my weight, but starting Sunday I am going back at it hard core.  I plan on doing a major Paleo food swoop on Sunday and start measuring, chopping, and planning my meals for the next week.  I REALLY want to see 139 on the scale, like no joke. 

I have set myself new goals (see previous posts) and I am going to start over with my blog count ups.....actually....I may do a count down to Vegas.  I am so excited for this mini vacation to celebrate my husband's 30th.  We went as far as booking a photographer to take pictures of us in our "new and improved" bodies.  So insanely pumped.  I have to laugh because both of us are eager to visit the Crossfit's in Vegas to of course add to our box visited collection.  (I am taking bets on whether or not Dennis actually makes it to CF on vacation or not). 

This weekend is Dennis' company party, at a lake, with water activities so this will be the first post Crossfit bathing suit appearance I will be making and I am kinda excited/nervous.  I know I look better than I did 16 weeks ago, but I'm still lacking confidence in my body.  Thank the lord for cute bathing suit cover ups!

400 Meter Run
500 Meter Row
Dynamic Stretching

7 Minutes to find Max Snatch Balance 45lbs
3 Minutes Hand Stand 1:45
2 Minutes Max DU 28ish?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Won! & Special Guest at 610

It was announced on the Crossfit610 blog that I won in the most weight lost based on %!  YAYYYYYYY!!!

Today I attended the Women's Only 7pm Class with my co-worker's wife Windy.  Windy just had a baby in March and she is looking to lose some of her gained baby weight. 

Her and I were the only two at the class which was awesome.  Typically the women's only class you get an introduction to Crossfit and after a brief instruction you do "Helen" which is 3 rounds of 400m run, 21 KB swings, and 12 push ups.  While Windy did that, I had to do "Fran." 

I was going to do Fran with the 45lb bar, increasing my weight by 10, but the issue with that is without weights on the bar its harder to clean.  So Molly suggested I use a 35lb bar with...two 10's making it 55lbs.  I was a little unsure about it at first.

Let's face it, "Fran" sucks.  It seems/looks so easy but 4 minutes into it you are winded like no other.  I used the green band for the pull ups and finished the WOD in just under 10 Minutes. 

Windy did an excellent job on "Helen" and I am hopeful that she ends up joining 610. 

Congrats to everybody who participated in the Best Shape of Your Life Challenge!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Final Thoughts / New Self Challenges

First off, I'd like to thank Mike & Molly, everybody at Crossfit610, Dennis and all my friends for giving me support and encouragement over the last 16 weeks.  I couldn't have done it without you guys. 

My Final Thoughts:

I'm really happy that I was able to stick with both the diet and the exercising for the 8 weeks.  As I have posted before, I get to the end of a training schedule and completely freak out and quit.  That didn't happen this time.  I held strong and did everything I could to make sure I got no less then 3 WODs in per week.  (Including visiting other Boxes and doing WODs after attending a wedding). 

As for the diet, I really worked hard in getting in my protein, carbs, and good fats for most of my meals.  If I ordered out, I tried my best to stay in line with the guidelines, and of course I occasionally treated myself to a cheat meal or a beer, but I didn't let it derail me. 

My final weight of 146.2 was clearly my biggest victory.  I had set a goal to be in the 140's by September for Vegas and I have clearly  met that goal. 

The before and after pictures are what I cant get over. At first I was not happy at all.  I could see some differences for sure, but I thought that I would look way slimmer in the afters.  I was so upset that I had worked sooooooo hard and I still wasn't were I wanted to be physically, that I couldn't even write about it yesterday.  But now that I have had more time to think about it, I feel much better.  I have to remember that I have only been doing Crossfit for 16 weeks, that is only 4 months and the changes in my body and strength are incredible for that short of time.  I know that in another 8 weeks and then in another 8 weeks after that, I will be closer to where I want to be IF I work just as hard as I have been, if not harder. 

I don't think not being happy about my success thus far is a bad thing.  If I was completely happy then I wouldn't be motivated to continue Crossfit. 

So here are my new challenges for myself:

In 6 Weeks I'd like to be in the 130's 

In 8 Weeks I'd like to be doing RX in most movements

In 16 Weeks I'd like to see some abbs

1000 Meter Row
3 x 10 Shouler Press 55lbs

AMRAP 15 Minutes
25 Box Jumps (20 inch)
20 Kettlebell Swings (1 pood)
15 T2B
10 Burpees


Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 57: Before and After Pictures

Today was the LAST day of the Best Shape of Your Life Challenge.  And as promised, here are my before and after pics:




The before pictures are from 16 weeks ago and I was 168lbs.

The after pictures are from today and I am 146.2lbs. 

The difference?  21.8lb loss in 16 weeks. 

I am going to write my final thoughts in tomorrow's blog. 

750 M Row
5 Rounds
5 Push ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Air Squats
114/150 DU
3 x 7 Back Squats (Owed)

Full Squat Cleans
200 M Run (between each set)


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 56: Baby Shower!

Today I attended my friend Heather's Baby shower and it was really fun and very cutely themed.  Bumble Bees!  I had to laugh because it was time to eat and here were the choices:

Panera Bagels
Breakfast Cassarole
Fruit Tray

My saving grace was the Fruit Tray.  It was pretty upsetting at first that there was mostly all these delicous food choices (Bagels USED to be one of my favorite foods), but knowing that I had my final weigh in, I loaded my plate up with fruit and kept drinking water to keep my stomach full.  No sweat!

The rest of the day I was a lazy bum....just hung around the house mostly.  No matter what happens tomorrow on the scale I need to be proud of myself.  I've come a long way in 16 weeks and I should celebrate the fact that I've stuck to the work outs and the diet for this long. 

My only real hope is that I stay in the 140's for the final weigh in.  Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 55: "The End" plus some Hashing

Since camping got cancelled Dennis and I attended the Saturday WOD.  At first it looked very intimidating but I left Crossfit feeling uber empowered.  The WOD was the same routine that the Crossfit Competitors had to do in their last heat, aka, The End.  I really really really liked today's WOD. 

After that was done my friend Cory had asked me to attend a Hash that he was running (bare with me) and since I had no other plans, I agreed.  For those of you who do not know what Hashing is here is the explanation.

Basically it's a group of people who enjoy two things, running and drinking.  They combined these two activities by having a running course with about three or four check points where you drink.  The catch?  You have to follow clues left by the people running the  hash.  What are the clues?  Piles of flour randomly put on the ground. 

It is 100% a cult thing.  If it is your first hash, you are referred to as a Virgin until you are initiated by having to chug a beer while everybody else sings a song.  Whatever isn't finished by the end of the song you have to pour over your head.  After that you are referred to as "Just Your Name" (Example: I am Just Karen) until you are "named" with some vulgar term.  Luckily I am Just Karen, but some of my friends are "Golden Shower", "Ass Wipe", "Hole Patrol", and "ArithmeDick." 

Don't worry, I didn't drink at the check points, just had some water to rehydrate.  I must say that running has become much easier to me.  My breath is much steadier and I had way more endurance.  It was a good time, but after a WOD and the Hash, I was spent for the rest of the day.  Tomorrow is going to be a Rest Day for sure!


"The End"
20 Calories on the Rower
30 Wall Balls
20 Toes to Bar
30 Box Jumps
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to Overhead
200 Meter Run w/25lb Plate


Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 54: Things Don't Always Go As Planned

Since I thought I was going to be going camping for the weekend I made sure to get in my final WOD of the week Friday morning.  Check!

As it turns out my plans dramatically changed, camping was cancelled, and I found myself on a Friday night with no plans and my WOD already done for the day.  After multiple texts my plans solidified, and I was off to the Velodrome to watch the bike races with a few friends. 

It ending up being a random showing, but I found myself with 8 friends, most of which I haven't seen or talked to in a few months.  Two of them specifically approached me to tell him how great I look and how they have been keeping up with my blog.  WINNING!

The rest of the night was quite hilarious as everybody was trying to get me to drink beer and kept making fun of my "cave woman" ways.  But I held strong, didn't drink, and still had a really fun time.  With the weigh in only a few days away I figured it wasn't worth the empty calories.  The only slight issue with refusing drinks is that EVERYBODY thinks you are pregnant.  Friends, is it really that hard to believe that I would turn down beers for the sake of my health/weight loss goals?!?

Halloween 2011 Costume?
In all seriousness it was awesome to hear that people have been following my blog and getting something out of it.  It has helped me stay on track with my goals and most of all it's been fun to write.  I always appreciate any feedback (positive or negative) and any suggestions are welcomed.  :)

5 Rounds
30 Seconds Row
30 Seconds DU
30 Seconds Rest

3 x 10 Front Squat 70lbs

Pull Ups


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 53: Making Smarter Choices When Eating Out

Since recording my meals for almost 8 weeks now, I've really noticed how much I eat out.  I would dare to say that I purchase a meal out (either lunch or dinner) at least once a week.  That is quite often and could add some major pounds if I'm not careful about what I order. 

At first I felt like a tool going to happy hour and while everybody is eating wings and drinking beer, I'm eating a Cobb Salad with no cheese and drinking water with lemon.  But now I've mastered the art of smart ordering and remembering that all the sweat and tears I've done in the gym doesn't mean squat if I don't eat a proper diet.

If I know I'm going to eat a meal out beforehand I will go to the restaurant's website where I can review the menu.  I immediately eliminate anything that is deep fried, has a bun, or is a dish you simply cannot have without cheese (mozzarella sticks).  Usually that leaves me with some salad options and a few entrees that fit the paleo diet. 

I've learned that ordering a salad without cheese, or substituting rice for a side salad is typically not a problem.  It's best to order the dish with the substitutions rather than having the dish come out with the cheese or rice and tempting you through out the meal.

When I ate at salad works I would always accept the bread with the salad but now I simply ask them to hold the bread so its not even in sight

No Roll Please!
  If the menu isn't available online, don't be afraid to spend that extra time looking through the options and asking the waitstaff any questions you may have about a dish.  It may sound like a lot of work, but the alternative to not spending the time reviewing the dishes is ordering meals that are considered a cheat or having to decline any dinning out invitation you get. 

If the portion seems too big only eat half and have the rest tomorrow for lunch.  That saves you calories and stretched your money over two meals instead of one. 

Don't cheat on your diet on a day you haven't worked out!  As a person that weighs themself every day, my weight would always spike higher if I had a cheat meal on a day that I didn't do a WOD.

With all this said I'm going to Thai Thai House tonight and I already know what I am ordering.  I am happy to say they have noodle free dishes that keep me within the parameters of Paelo! 

15 Minute AMRAP

5 Dead Lifts (95)
13 Push Ups
9 Box Jumps


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 52: Festivus, A Competition for the Rest of Us

Everybody has Competition on the brain since the 2011 Crossfit Competition in CA just finished.  I was able to watch a few of the heats and I had nothing but respect for the competitors.  They are all absolute BEASTS! 

Obviously Dennis and I are no where near that level but lucky for us we found this:

On Saturday November 19th, Crossfit Relentless in West Hartford, CT is throwing their 2nd Festivous Competition.  The cool thing about this is that it is only for Novice and Intermediate Crossfitters. 

Dennis is more than excited for the event, as he love competing and this seems like a great gateway event for him.  As for me, I am way on the fence.  I think my biggest problem with these types of things is that I'm afraid I'm going to embarrass myself and Crossfit610. 

Here are the parameters of the event:


These groupings are loose and intended as guidelines -- i.e., if you match 2 out of 3 descriptors, that would be the proper division for you.

NOVICE - Women's (2k row over 9:30 (CHECK), deadlift under 200 (CHECK), cannot do 5 pull ups in a row unassisted (CHECK))
NOVICE - Men's (2k row over 8:30, deadlift under 300, cannot do 10 pull ups in a row unassisted)

INTERMEDIATE - Women's (2k row under 9:30 (NOPE), deadlift over 200 (NOPE), can do 5 kipping pull ups in a row (NOPE))
INTERMEDIATE - Men's (2k row under 8:30, deadlift over 300, can do 10 or more kipping pull ups in a row)

I fall into the Women's Novice category, so that isn't an issue, it's a matter of confidence. There is still plenty of time to train for this, BUT, typically these things mess with my head and cause me anxiety. So readers, I have to ask:

Should I sign up or should I pass?  Let's Hear it!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 51: Weight Fairies Visited Me

As I noted before, I am no longer going to concentrate on my body weight and focus on the weights that I am lifting.

I created a new page on the blog to keep track of the type of movement and the weight that I am currently using.  The end goal is to get me at the prescribed weight for each movement. 

Since in the past I hadn't really paid attention or recorded my weights the past week I have simply asked Mike or Molly what they thought I should use and go from there so for today's WOD I used the 35lb bar for the Push Presses.  Once the WOD started I knew that my weight was too low, but oh well, I had already started. 

As I returned from the 200m run, I noticed I had been visited by the Weight Fairies!  Magically two 5lbs plates had been added to my bar.  This is another reason why crossfit is awesome.  Mike and Molly were clearly watching over me and everybody else in the class to  make sure they weren't using too little or too much weight.  Where else do you get that type of training/personal attention? 

On a separate note, I'd like to welcome back Elissa!!  Elissa joined crossfit back in April during the Biggest Loser Competition and her and her sister kicked our ass!  She had recent surgery but has been "ok'ed" to come back to Crossfit!  HOOORRAY!

And I think it's worth mentioning that Mike and Molly without knowing it, played my most hated crossfit song this morning! 

2,000 Meter Row
3 x 10 Shoulder Press 35lbs

15 Minute AMRAP

5 Push Press
8 Pistols
200 Meter Run

5 Rounds Completed

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 50: 1 Week Left

One week from today I will be at the end of the "Best Shape of Your Life Challenge" and I am very excited to see how everybody does! 

This week I am going to be super strict with  my diet to make up from my poor dieting last week.  This week I am ramping up my veggie servings and definitely not drinking. 

This weekend I am going camping so I should easily avoid such temptations. 

Dennis and I have gotten into a really good habit of going to the morning WODS, and Dennis overachieved today by going back to Crossfit at 7pm to work on some things.  I packed a bag to go back after work, but I decided to get some house stuff done and get to bed early instead. 

Crossfit is holding another cool event called the "9-11 Throwdown" and after much debate, I decided I'm going to participate in the WOD.  If any of you readers would like to participate in the WOD, donate to the cause, and/or come down to Crossfit610 and support would be greatly appreciated! 

Here is the link to donate:

If you do donate or have any questions, please email me ( the amount so we can keep track of our box's raising efforts. 

2,000 Meter Row
100 Double Unders
90 Abb Matt Sit Ups
3 x 10 Backsquat 75lbs

3 Rounds
2:00 Double Unders
2:00 Break

Difference Between Rounds = Box Jump Burpees

28-32-32 = 4 Box Jump Burpees