Tuesday, August 30, 2011

24 Days to Vegas: The Small Things

OBVIOUSLY I'm not doing Crossfit to compete to be the "World's Fittest Person."  I first joined Crossfit to lose weight and just now I am started to focus on my strength and getting stronger.  So since I'm probably never going to compete on the larger scale, what are the smaller/real life benefits of doing Crossfit?

1. I only need to try on 1 outfit for work.  Before Crossfit, it would take me at least 3 different combos of pants and shirts that fit before I went to work. 

2. I can carry ALL my groceries from my car to my house.  I used to have to take multiple trips back and forth.  And I ALWAYS tell the bagger to "bag them heavy." 

3. I accidentally embarrassed one of my coworkers who was having trouble opening a bag of shredded cheese.  He was struggling so I offered to help and I easily opened the bag.  BTW this motivated him to immediately join his local Crossfit box. 

4. I sleep like a rock.  I used to lay down, toss and turn, and/or have to read in  bed to get my eyes tired before I could fall asleep.  Now I'm asleep before I hit the pillow. 

5. I've made a lot of really awesome crossfit friends.

6. Let's face it, I look better in the clothes that I wear now, so my husband is enjoying the view and well, what that leads to has also improved. 

7.  I can help Dennis with moving furniture (rather than supervising) and same goes with heavy yard work. 

8.  When I get mad at Dennis and I want to slam a door, I can really slam a door now with ANGER! 

9.  No matter how crazy my friends think I am, or how proud of me they are, I always feel like I could do better.  This keeps me motavated to go back for more and keep improving. 

10.  When I'm out dancing or at a concert I can jump and point (our trademark dance) for hours! 

My point being, even though I will never be a Crossfit "BEAST" I can be me with a few athletic surprises up my sleeve. 

2 x 800 Meter Run
10 Power Cleans (45lbs)

AMRAP 20 Minutes
10 T2B
165 Meter Run w/25lbs Plate


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