Sunday, August 28, 2011

26 Days to Vegas: Hurricane Irene

These are one of the times when being married to a meteorologist is AWESOME!  While the general public is creating mass hysteria by purchasing 5 gallons of milk (which by the way will spoil if power goes out) and enough bread to make 156 sandwiches, Dennis and I simply moved our patio furniture in and made sure we had working flashlights handy. 

We went to bed on Saturday night and I was rudely waken up by Dennis in a sheer panic.  Apparently he heard some branches fall and wanted to make sure the house was ok.  I, clearly not hearing the tree, started to smell burning and got really nervous.  Even though it was only 4am, we got up and ventured out to see what was going on.  Sadly we saw this:

Luckily neither of the two large branches hit our house so there was zero damage.  The burning smell that I noticed was coming from down the street.  A transformer had exploded and some wires set a person's garage on fire with a car in it!  And this all happened before 5am!! 

Dennis and I went back to bed, and woke up to no power in the house!  Again not a huge problem, just more of an inconvenience.  We were up at 8am and started getting ready for the WOD.  Yes.  That is right...not even a Hurricane can keep us from going to Crossfit. 

We ventured out and in no time we were forced to turn around due to roads flooding.  Luckily 22 was fine and we arrived right on time! 

Sundays are partner WODS and Heather and I were partners.  We killed it! 

Split Between Partners
25 DU
50 Dealfits  (95lbs)
50 Push ups
50 Floor Sweeps (45lbs)
50 Ground to OVH DB  (20lbs)
25 DU


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