Saturday, September 3, 2011

20 Days to Vegas: Home WOD

The last few weeks I have been on a "cleaning out" kick.  Since I have been losing weight and inches for the last few months and since Dennis and I have moved our bedroom upstairs, I have been wearing clothes and then deciding on whether to keep or heap them!  It's kinda fun.  So far I have collected 3 trash bags full of clothes that either don't fit (whether too big or too small) or that I just don't like anymore.  

Since this has been on my mind, going to Cape Cod was a great way to try out old bathing suits that I have collected over the years.  I bought two new ones last year for my Honeymoon which I will keep for now, but I had some other ones from earlier on that I hadn't worn in a while but kept.  So day 2 at the beach I wore one that was from years and year ago, fit perfectly, but the elastics on the bottom were completely shot.  DARN IT!!  

Home WOD:

10 Minute AMRAP

10 DU
10 Wipers


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