Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'll Rest When I'm Dead

Probably not the most appropriate blog title after yesterday's post.....

I really need to learn to stop taking so many frequent and long breaks during WODs.  I will take advantage of anything that will give me a quick rest.  Before pull ups, I'll put chalk on my hand.  Lifting a bar, I'll "reset" it as much as possible.  DU, my pony tail needs tightening.  I have to stop resting!!

I beat myself up about this after almost every WOD, but when I'm doing the work, I freaking need to rest!  What we do is hard, and it takes a lot of strength and endurance, things that I am trying to work on.  I know when I rest for too long, Trainer Molly will make it known that she is watching me, which in turn gets me to stop resting. 

I'd really like to do more WODS with little to no rest. 

Everybody is on the floor after a WOD

3 Deadlifts on the Minute for 10 Minutes

20 Minutes AMRAP
5 Power Cleans (75lbs)
10 T2B
15 Wall Balls (14lbs)


Cash Out:
GHD Day 1
3 x 10 Hip Extensions
3 x 10 Sit Ups

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