Monday, December 12, 2011

Santacon 2011

Knowing that I was going to be away from Crossfit this entire weekend, getting a WOD in on Friday was important.

I was able to work through my lunch and leave work at 4:00 to make the 4:15 class.  After that, the gang and I headed to Hoboken to spend the night at a friends before we ventured into NYC dressed as Santa's. 

Ho Ho Ho Says Everybody, When I Walk In
The beauty of Santacon is that it is the happiest day of the year!  You and thousands of other santas roam aimlessly around New York City stopping at bars and spreading Christmas cheer.  When on subways you sing songs as loud as you can, and sometimes random Santa Dance circles form:

To top that all off, Reformed Fatty and I continued our tradition of Hung Over Chinese food on no wonder why I feel like a fat cow this week.

I started Monday off right with a 6am WOD and to my delight it was cleaning the bar, which is one of my favorite Crossfit moves. 

I also decided to run a 10k in February, which I hope to do well on.  I ran a 10k years ago and my time was 1:08:57, which I hope to beat.  The ultimate goal here is to run a series of races.  5K (which I've done), and 10k (February), 10 Miler in March, Half Marathon in April, and then finally a Full Marathon in May or June.   

Who thinks I'm crazy!?!?!!



20 Wall Ball Cleans
10 Abb Matt Sit Ups
20 DU
2 Rounds

WOD:6 Minute AMRAP
3-3-6-6-9-9-12-12.....until time runs out
Power Cleans (85lbs) & Ring Dips (PB)

I completed 3-3-6-6-9-9 +4


1 Minute to find your max:

Box Jumps (20 Inches)  20
Burpees    12
Row for Calories   18

1 Minute Rest Between Each Round

Endurance2k Row


Squat Snatch (45lbs)
3 Get out of the Pool


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