Friday, December 9, 2011

I am Woman, Hear Me....Huff and Puff!

Being a woman Crossfitter is empowering!  I have more confidence in myself than I ever had before....and I love it. 

1. I love my leaner, stronger body.
2. I finally own a pair of skinny jeans.
3. I finally could buy/wear hooker boots (since I now have skinny jeans)
4. I have confidence in my ability to do things I thought I couldn't do.
5. I can't wait to see what I can accomplish next!!

Strong is the new Skinny

With all that said, I was the sole woman at the 7pm class last night and I knew that all the guys would be waiting for me to finish.  Coolest part?  The WOD ended with an 800 meter run outside.  When I finally got done and ran back into the gym, everybody cheered for me and was proud that I finished the WOD using my best effort. 


Hollow Rock - 8
HSPU          - 5
Ring Row     - 5
Ring Dip      - 6


800 Meter Run

Abb Matt Sit Ups

800 Meter Run


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