Sunday, May 31, 2015

Week 5 - WODs - 0500

I was completely thrown off this week with my schedule because of the holiday this past Monday.  It extending my weekend, but shortened my week.  

Monday Dennis and I biked, which meant I didn't WOD and I was starting my week on a Tuesday.  Not complaining, but just meant some extra thought into this week's schedule. On top of that, Dennis had a meeting for work that disrupted our normal schedule forcing me to WOD at 5am! Something I've never done before.  

Long story short, I woke up, I showed up, and I WODed!

Coach Adam is usually there at 5am on Tuesday and Thursday for his lifting, so I made sure it was ok with him that I came in and he said no problem!  This also helped him, as normally he lifts at 5am and blows off the WOD, but with me being there, he did the WOD with me and was super pumped about it!

I was happy with myself for not just skipping the work out day all together just because of a schedule change, and with that I got 3 WODs in for the week. 

The OTHER high light was I got another RX next to my name on Wednesday.  Kettlebell Swings at 53lbs and Burpees.  I was a bit apprehensive about the KB Swings, but I got through it, and as usual didn't regret my choice of weight.  

I'm starting to feel as if I'm getting close to where I left off before my pregnancy hiatus, and with that said, my next challenge is to continue on this routine when I start back my full time job.  

WOD: AMRAP 10 Minutes
25 Abmat Sit Ups
10 HSPU - 2 Mats
5 Deadlifts (155) @ 125
Score: 4 Rounds

EMOM 6 Minutes 2 Full Snatches @ 55lbs
WOD: AMRAP 7 Minutes
10 Kettlebell Swings @ 53lbs
10 Burpees
Score 4+16 RX

WOD: For Time
5 Rounds
10 Power Cleans @ 75% Body Weight - 85lbs - 55%
15 Burpee Box Jumps @ 20"
Score: 18:55

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