Sunday, February 12, 2012

You Can't Have your Cake and Eat it Too

Moving from CT to PA back in 2007 meant that I put 2.5 hours between myself and my family.  The distance is far enough that I have my space, but close enough that if needed, I could drive there and back in a day.  

That was the case this weekend.  My aunt was having her 50th birthday party on Saturday and I was planning on attending.  With the weather forecast a bit uncertain, I planned on driving back to PA after the party to avoid any bad weather.  

The party was at 1pm, so I knew I had to go to Crossfit Saturday at 9am, which I did.  

After the work out I drove to the cute little restaurant where we were having lunch and it was slightly amusing to see family members that I haven't seen in a while, especially my mother. 

She kept going on and on about how thin I looked and how jealous she was.  Other family members took notice to my weight loss and were pretty impressed.  I found this all too amusing.  Then when lunch was served, it was clear that I was the ONLY one with odd eating habits.  


I got some funny looks, but I didn't care.  I work hard in the gym, why shouldn't I work hard on my diet as well?  And then came the hardest part of all. 

Yes, that was the CAKE!
I knew this was going to  be a challenge, but I honestly wasn't very interested in eating any of it.  It was a cool looking cake and everybody said it was yummy, so I just toke their word for it.  My grama noticed that I wasn't eating any of it and she simply said, good for you!  

My point being, I made sure to get a WOD in before my trip to CT and I wasn't about to blow my workout on on some bread and cake.  I work hard in the gym, and I'm working harder in the kitchen. I could have had a tiny piece of cake, but I know that looking the way I want to look would taste much better.  


Team WOD
2 Rounds
200 Air Squats w/25 lbs Plate
100 Band Push Ups (Thin Purple)
200 Ab Matt Sit Ups w/10 lb Plate

about 15 minutes between 4 Ladies

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