Sunday, February 19, 2012

6 Wall Balls & A Snatch

Happy Sunday, and for those of you with tomorrow off, enjoy!

Friday was my rest day and as luck would have it, "Karen" was the WOD at CF610.  This is the 2nd time that I've dodged doing that WOD.  Phew. 

Saturday was a fun Team WOD.  There were two teams of 4 people and for whatever reason I got put on the boys team.  So we gave ourselves the team name of "6 Wall Balls & A Snatch."  (You figure it out).  

The WOD was challenging and most of all it was fun.  I was smiling and cheering while doing my row, and having Dennis by my side cheering me on during the Ring Push Ups was nice.  It ended up being a 20 minute work out and my arms were feeling it after!  

Today was my long run day and as the runs get longer, it gets harder for me to get my shoes on to go.  Basically I'm the biggest baby before my run and its getting worse.  With my race coming up on  March 3rd (the 10 miler) I have to change my attitude.  After I got my shoes on, the run was fine.  I ran a different trail today and very much enjoyed it.  Weather couldn't have been better and the trail was nice and flat, which helps when the distance is longer.  And of course, after my run, I felt better about everything.  

I'm also getting really excited about the Crossfit Opens.  The first WOD is being released this week, and I'm so curious about how this going to go.  I'm more insterested in how Dennis (reformed fatty) is going to do.  He is all about competition, and I know this will bring his training (and hopefully his eating and drinking habbits) to a new level.  He's been working so hard all year in Crossfit and the LAST thing I want for him is to be dissapointed with his standings.  

I keep reminding myself that I can't get to caught up on the rankings.  Here are the things that I keep telling myself to calm the anxiety. 

1.  Signing up this year is 100% more than I've done last year.  I've already won.  Any rep done this year, is 1 more rep than last year.  

2. I want to do my best, not win.  This will only set a benchmark for next year's open.  

3.  Even though I am being ranked against people WORLDWIDE, I'm doing this for me and nobody else.  

4.  Have fun with it and use everything I've learned during the past year.  I've practiced, and I'm prepared.  Now I just have to perform.  


Rest Day

As a Team
10,000 Meter Row
10,000lbs Dead Lifts
200 Ring Push Ups

broken out:
2500 Meter Row
19 DL @ 135lbs
50 Ring Push Ups

22 minutes (ish)

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