Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mental Games

After my glorious rest day I was back at the 6:00am class on Friday and for a few minutes I thought I was going to be the ONLY person in the class.  I started to panic, how horrible would that be for me to basically have a trainer focused on my performance for the whole WOD?!? And then thankfully a fellow 6amer walked through the doors. 

After Wednesday's fiasco with the 95lbs cleans, I mentally decided that I was going to go well below RX for the front squats and just deal with it.  I quickly looked up my 1 rep max just to see where I was and it was 135lbs.  RX'd was 95lbs for this particular WOD, but I knew that wasn't going to happen.  I loaded the bar to 65lbs and decided that was what I was going to use.  

3 Rounds for Time
200 Meter Run
7 Hand Stand Push Ups
14 Front Squats 

In my mind, I mentally prepared for this WOD to take me at least 20 minutes finish.  I wasn't worried about the running, but the HSPUs and front squats for sure.  I knew I was going to have to break up the Front Squats into a couple sets per round, and I knew that I'd have to chip away at the HSPU for at least the last round.  

Let's just say I under estimated myself on this one considering I finished sub 10.

I really surprised myself on the HSPU  because I did all 7 unbroken each round.  I was using 2 ab mats, so next time we have HSPUs I will only use 1.  YAY.  I know that I complain about all the shoulder work we do here in CFC but CLEARLY it's working. 

I wasn't able to do all 14 reps of the front squats unbroken, but I told myself not to do less than 7 at a time.  I didn't want to spend all my energy cleaning the bar up to get into the Front Squat position so 2 sets of 7 each round is what I did.  It wasn't easy, at all, but I felt ok doing 2 sets of 7 and of course getting a time like that, I was wondering if I could have gone heavier. 

I'm like the freaking goldie locks of weights here. 

I was very surprised how sweaty I was for under 10 minutes of work.  It was short, but super exhausting, and I loved it.  

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