Thursday, June 26, 2014

I Should Have Scaled

Yesterday's WOD was one that I  barely blinked an eye at when I read the post on the website.

8 Minute AMRAP
10 Hang Cleans @ 95lbs
50 Double Unders

Cleans are my very favorite lift so I was assuming that 95lbs was not going to be an issue for me. 

After the warm up, I loaded the bar to 65lbs.  Got in a few cleans without any issues at all.  I was confident that 95lbs (or RX'd in this case) would be a good weight for me to go.  I added 30 more pounds, cleaned and thought about it for a minute.  It was heavy, but I did it, so I should be ok.  Feeling slightly challenged by the weight, I cleaned again and I failed.  Crap, it may be too heavy.  


After 5 reps I knew I had bitten off more than I could chew.  I dropped the bar to shake out my arms while everybody else proceeded to the jump ropes.  Crap.  My form was disintegrating and I was fighting for every rep. 

The good news was that I did the WOD Rx'd.  The bad news was that Rx'd meant nothing to me because I finished the WOD with a pathetic 1+9 rounds. 

Being really upset with myself and the whole situation really, I logged into my blog to see what my 1 rep max was for Hang Cleans.  Just to see if I was in the right ballpark with weight.  And what do you know?  My 1 rep max was, yup you guessed it, 95lbs.  

What does this mean?  It means that I went too heavy on the work out and that I now need to figure out my new 1 rep max for hang  cleans,  because I basically just did 19 in 8 minutes.  

This just goes to show it is important to record your work outs as detailed as possible.  IF i knew that 95 was my 1 rep max, I would have looked at the WOD and said ok, if I can do 1 at 95, I should probably do this WOD at about 75lbs.  

Stupid Stupid Stupid.  

As for today, it was my "glorious rest day" as I like to call them and I plan on getting back at it tomorrow morning at 6am.  

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