Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Who's Walking Funny Today? This Girl!

After getting back at it 3 days last week, I took the weekend off and now I think I'm ready to do my normal 4 WODs a week.  I started off with yesterday and even though it's a rookie mistake, I didn't check the WOD beforehand. 

I got there early and watched the 5pm class do the strength.  It.Looked.Awful. 

Back Squat Ladder
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10   OR 110 Back Squats in 35 minutes.

I was going to Cherry Pick and do the Endurance, but to my horror the Endurance was the Strength.  F you Evan!!

The RX'ed weight for girls was 135lbs so I went a nice light weight of 65lbs.  I wasn't trying to be a hero today, at all. 

So we all partnered up and seriously, special should out to my partner. Together we kept the best pace and pushed each other just enough to get our reps in.  Even though we only had 35 minutes to get 220 squats, plus changing the weights (she was being a beast and doing it at 105lbs), we were both able to successfully finish the rep scheme and had almost 2 minutes to spare.  That's fucking teamwork!

*Side Note*  Even though the individual WODs/Strengths are really empowering on their own, doing Partner WODs/Strengths can feel just as accomplishing.  Maybe you were the reason your partner pushed through those last few reps, or your partner cheering you on got you through those last few seconds of endurance.  Whichever the case, working with somebody that is stronger or weaker, slower or faster has many many many many benefits and it's just another reason why Crossfit is awesome. 

So after completely fatiging our legs, thighs, and butts, we had to do todays WOD.  yay.

TABATA: Burpees
TABATA: Ring Rows

TABATA = 8 Rounds of 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest inbetween.  So for example it would be 20 seconds of work, rest 10 seconds (1 Round) 20 seconds of work, rest 10 seconds (2 Rounds), etc all the up to 8 Rounds and we had to do that twice, once for each movement. 


Your score is the lowest round of reps.  So if Round 1 you did 20 Burpees and by Round 8 you only did 1, your score = 1.  

I've learned the hard way to pick a number and stick with it each round.  So With that in mind, I decided I wanted to do 5 burpees each round and 5 ring rows each round.  And I did, and my final score was 10 (5 burpees + 5 Ring Rows).  

Not quite elite, but not horrible.  Believe me, I was winded after all that!!

Again, I'm just happy to be back at it and even though I still feel sluggish, I know that it's good for me.  Even if today I'm walking around like I'm 80 years old, even though I'm 29 (Happy Birthday to me)! 


  1. As your partner in the back squat ladder, I agree 100% with your thoughts about the impact of working with a partner! I want thank you for your support and encouragement. You definitely helped me get through the set... especially as we were working our way back up the ladder! I am proud of what we accomplished as a team!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not to mention it was fun! Even though we were working hard for our reps, between sets we were laughing and/or smiling.

    Rock On!!
