Now that it's been almost 2 weeks since I've been back from vacation, I'm starting to finally feel like I can start getting back into a routine again.
I know vacations are great, but it always feel like when I get back, I'm more stressed than I was before I left. For about two weeks before vacation my diet completely fell apart. It continued to be bad on vacation, and it is just now taking shape. AKA I'm cutting out the junk.
Over these few weeks I KNEW that I was eating badly, but I kept doing it because I wasn't immediately feeling to effects of it. FF (Fast Forward) to me right now sitting at a desk and typing this, with a nice little muffin top hanging over my jeans. Sigh.
So obviously the diet needs to be fixed asap. Which Dennis and I have worked hard on this week. We sat down, planned out our meals, and spent most of the weekend shopping and prepping foods to keep us on track.
The second thing is my running. I know that when I was Crossfitting and Running I was burning so many extra calories and I was on my way to my ideal body. The issue? My running has stopped, temporarily.
No running + bad eating = less calories burned + more calories consumed
So I need to fix this problem and I need to be patient with the results. I know that its so freaking easy to pack on the pounds, but it takes pretty much 8 weeks of diet/exercise to see a change in my body.
I have been true to Crossfit since I've been back. I average about 4 days a week which is decent and honestly I'm not sure if I could handle any more than that!
So for those of you who have felt like you've worked so incredibly hard for a VERY long time, just to lose your results in a short month, I know how you feel and the only way to break the cycle is to get back to it.
Hopefully I will fall right back into my routine and I will be back to where I want to be in no time.
You got it Karen! Just keep working hard :) results do show!!