Friday, January 4, 2013

Running Effort of 2013

If you followed my blog in 2012, it was supposed to be my year of running.  My ultimate goal for running is to do a series of races within a year.  5k, 10k, 10 Mile, Half, and then if I'm up to it a Marathon.  I was well on my way last year by completing a 5k, 10k, and then a 10 miler.  

Then I got pregnant.  (No worries it was planned)

With my body rapidly changing, I couldn't keep up with the amount of running training required and so sadly I put away my running shoes until further notice.  

The reason why running was a huge goal for me last year was that I was really indulging in Crossfit and I loved it.  I loved it oh so much and I was getting decent at it, I looked forward to going to WODs and I LOVED what it was doing for my body and mind.  It's easy to do something you love right?  So for a personal challenge, I wanted to get good at something I hated.  Which was running.  As much as I kicked and screamed about the training, I was true to my programs, and towards the end I was really kicking ass.  

But truth be told, I didn't make my goal of completing the cycle of races.  So guess what 2013.  

With great hesitation on January 1st and January 3rd I got my out of shape, overweight self out and running.  I use the term "running" lightly because I know some people who could walk faster than I ran.  Bottom line, I got out there, got the miles in, and I know the more I get out there, the better/fast I will be.

This is almost embarrassing to post!
Oddly enough I did better on my first run, which I walked most of, so not sure what happened on the second run.  BUT the second run felt better than the first and I'm going to chalk that up as a win.  

Obviously these are horrible times, but looking back at my running journal from last year, I started off pretty slow and by the end my pace was pretty decent.  So there is hope.

I really hope I can make my running goal this year even though now having a baby to fit into all my scheduling, I'm REALLY in for a challenge.  

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