Sunday, June 17, 2012

Baby Steps!

I am so happy to report that Thursday and Saturday of this past week, I finally worked out!

Even though after being at work all day, I'm exhausted and want to rest, I know that in order to improve my sleeping habbits, I need to get back into WODing.  

I picked Thursday to start back because it was a "Recovery" WOD which means that it's not for time and typically it's more cardio based rather than strength.

The WOD was:
50 Wall Balls (10lbs)
60 Double Unders
800 Meter Run
30 Push Ups
40 Ab Matt Sit ups

Because I am not allowed to do sit ups anymore, I replaced them with Kettlebell Swings. 

Doing the WOD was both good and bad.  It was good to get back to it and get my heart rate going.  After the WOD I felt so happy that I chose to go, but during the WOD my ego was getting more and more hurt. 

I struggled through the work out.  I was slow, I had to walk, and when I needed to rest, I rested.  But I finished.  I know that going slow, scaling the WODs and resting is what is best for myself and baby, but its mentally hard to finish last.  

Saturday I went to the WOD expecting it to be a partner work out, but with an odd amount of people I was doing it as a single.  (Baby doesn't quite count as a partner just yet).  

AMRAP in 20 Minutes

5 box jump burpees
5 pull ups
I did 50 BJ Burpees & 50 Pull ups.  
Pre baby I was VERY close to getting an unassisted pull up, but with baby aka my 10lb weight vest, I had to scale down to the purple band.

Not going to lie, the WOD sucked and I wanted to quit, but the way I feel after makes it all worth while.  I'm excited that I got 2 WODs in this week and this upcoming week I am hoping for 3.  

I hope everybody had an awesome weekend!

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