At the conclusion of today's WOD a fellow Crossfitter (not a coach) came up to me and asked me randomly if I was left handed or right handed. I answered right handed and was puzzled why he would ask.
He said that he's noticed that with my Hip Extensions and some of my lifts I tend to "go left." So he thought that my left hand/arm was my dominant side. I never really thought that I HAD a dominant side, and that it was odd that it would be, what I would assume to be my weaker side.
I later told Reformed Fatty this comment and he said that, "going left" or for some people, "going right" was actually kinda normal. Me knowing that my left side is weaker, I put more effort into my left side, trying to compensate.
So now until my next WOD, I'm going to sit here and think about this thing that I had no idead was happening. Anybody out there have any insight on this? Do people have dominant sides and do they tend to over compinsate?
Warm Up:
2 Minutes Jump Rope
2 Rounds:
20 Leg Swings
20 Arm Circles
10 Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Ring Rows
5 Inch Worms
4 Rounds
20 Slam Balls (15lbs)
200 Meter Run
Hollow Man Hold
3 x 8 GHD Hip Extensions w/Increasing Weight
25lbs, 35lbs, 45lbs
Special thanks to Reformed Fatty for making sure I went to class this morning!