The "right" answer to that question is: Never. It's never ok to cheat.
You can apply that to anything. Relationships, tests, contests, games. But what about when you are dieting? Same rules apply?
Now into my 10th month of Crossfitting and my 6th week of training for a half marathon, I think I've become a victim of:
"I worked really hard in the gym and my run today, it's ok if I cheat on my diet a little."
Here are the main issues:
1. My appetite has gone through the roof. I've used the word ravenous more this week than I have my entire life combined. When I'm ravenous, its difficult to walk past the box of donuts in the office or drive by that fast food place that I have a coupon for without stopping to eat. Reason for ravenous appetite lately? Has to be the Running. I'm clocking in no less than 10 miles per week in ADDITION to my normal Crossfit WODs.
Solution? Feed the hunger, but with healthy/paleo foods. As much effort as it is, I have to arm myself at the work place with lots and lots of paleo foods to keep me from giving in to that stupid box of donuts. I also keep a nalgene bottle right next to my computer to keep myself hydrated and sometimes to get through the hunger.
2. I don't think I'm realizing how often I'm saying, ok just this once, I'll have a cheat item. It's easy to do, and unless you are keeping a food journal (which I used to do, but again, it gets very labor intensive) I very well could be cheating once or twice a day and not even realizing it.
Solution? Cheat free day counter. Have you ever gone to a place of work and seen a sign similar to the one pictures above? These always used to crack me up. I would frequent a discount store to visit a friend and get a glimpse of their accident free sign. Not once did I EVER see it above 10 days. So I think I'm going to try this system out rather than keeping a food log.
In order to do this, I have to define what a cheat is. As luck would have it, this really easy to follow chart has been circulating Facebook and I think it will be a perfect way for me to determine what is considered a cheat and what is not.
How many days do you think I can get my cheat free counter up to until I cheat? 5, 10, 30?! Should be interesting to see!
I don't think it's clear on whether eating a rock is cheating or not. Cows HAVE to eat rocks...i think humans should indulge in the occasional piece of granite as well.