Got really drunk......
.....and played "Just Dance" for Wii. (That counts as Cardio, right?)
I was completely useless on Sunday, January 1st, but trust me, I made up for it today.
At about 11:30am I went to a local park and ran 4 miles and I did it with my best pace yet. It was super cold out, but I have a race in February that could be super cold, so I might as well get used to running in the cold now. The park that I ran at was slightly hilly and I only had to walk a couple short times to give my legs a rest.
After the run I was telling Dennis that when I am running, I'm tired, but not as tired as I am during WODs. This is a good thing. Normally I would sell myself short and walk when I "felt" tired, but now, unless I feel like I do during some of the WODs, I refuse to walk.
Then I attended the 4:15 Crossfit class. I thought I would be more tired for the WOD, but I felt ok during it.
3 Rounds
250 Meter Row
10 Push Ups
5 Burpees
6 Rounds
30 Seconds On 2:30 Off
AMRAP Thrusters - 65lbs
5+6+6+7+7+7 = 38
Cash Out:
2 Minutes to find Max Reps of T2B
10 x 2 GHD
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