I'm the Blue dot, Dennis the Purple dot |
(and YES Dennis and I have an app that tracks each other's where abouts)
Despite the lack of workout buddy, I've kept myself pretty busy and on track with both my WODing and Running. With an added bonus, going to bed WAY earlier than normal. Going to bed early makes all the difference when you are going to the 6am WOD. It's easier to get out of bed, and I feel more awake when I'm there.
With my ever busy week, I have to strategically plan my WODs and runs. If I have after work plans, I would WOD in the morning and on the days that I don't have plans I run after work, or if I can fit them in, before my plans. It takes a little bit of juggling, but it's possible.
I'm starting to get a bit anxious to see more results in my figure because I ordered a new baithing suit for March and stupid me tried it on. And of course, I wasn't happy.
My arms, shoulders, and legs are great! No complaints, in fact my arms and shoulders have never looked this good, but there is one problem area that just doesn't want to go away.
Now before I get tooooooooo upset, I have to go back to my before and after pictures and remember how far I've come and just have the patience and know that with continued hard work and dedication, I will see the results I want. I still have a good two months to get rid of this extra belly fat.
I'll be taking a new set of pictures at the end of March and hopefully they will show positive differences from the set of pictures I look in January. I was curious about my weight number this morning (even though the number is somewhat irrelevant) I clocked in at 152.8. Not to shabby. I'd LIKE to be back in the 140's but again, if I continue to build muscle and burn fat, I'm not sure how much more I'll be able to tip the scale.
What ways besides the scale do you track your progress? Pictures, how much weight you can move on a bar, measurements, clothes fitting?
Glorious, glorious rest day
50 Turkish Get Ups for Time
10:35 using 15lbs
I don't own a scale. It's all about the way clothes fit for me... and I think I have become pretty good at telling if I gain a pound or two by the way that I feel....