Dennis and I FINALLY made it to an 6am class this week!
I don't know what came over me but I took today's WOD super serious. (Maybe guilt from all the garbage I've been eating over the last two weeks?). In anycase, the WOD was 5 rounds of 10 dead lifts, then a 200 meter run. Two things helped me today with my fast time:
1. I didn't drop my weight between reps. I personally think dropping weights between reps waist a ton of time and a ton more energy. ESPN2 was broadcasting the Crossfit Games last night and I couldn't get over how often the competitors would drop their weight. I mean I get it if you need a break and shake out your arms, but jeeeze! I feel like so much more energy is used getting back into position after dropping a weight, so I told myself not to do it, and I didn't.
2. I didn't walk at all during the run. Trust me I wanted to. But walking loses a ton of time. I don't know if I was trying to keep up with Courtney and Dennis, but in the moment my goal was to stay with them. They would run faster than me, but they would drop their weights, which is when I would catch up. hahahaha am I strategizing?
I really like dead lifting, no clue why, but I just really like it. I almost beat Dennis in the WOD but at the very last minute he came sprinting ahead of me to keep his man card intact. :)
I came back to Crossfit610 at 7pm to start my row challenge. 5,000k in the bucket with 95,000 left to go!
Dynamic Stretching
5 Rounds
10 Deadlifts (105lbs)
200 Meter Run
5,000/100,000 Row 23:38.6
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