I hate when time flies by and you simply have nothing to show for a week, a month, or even a year, especially when it comes down to fitness and goals. The key, I've found, is finally deciding to start and then keeping with it for at the minimum 8 weeks. After 8 weeks it seems to become a routine rather than a "oh I have to get to the gym."
I'm in my fourth-ish week of Crossfit, running, and Paleo/Zoning and even though it feels like an eternity (trying to make it through a full day without cheating on my diet) and a blink of an eye at the same time, I have something to show for it: Results.
I am more than 8lbs lower than when I started. My Crossfit muscle memory is starting to come back, and slowly but surely my running pace is improving. The reason for this? I've stuck with it, even when I want to quit. I have about 10 more pounds to lose before I stop paying close attention to my weight and start focusing on how I look and how strong I am.
I've had my cheat meals, yes I've taken a "lazy" day, and yes there are days when I have to walk during my run. I'm human. The point of the matter is the next day I'm out there doing it again and I'm doing the best I can at that very moment in time. Yesterday's WOD pretty much brought me to tears (and to puke) and today it's about 1 billion degrees below zero and I will run with a stroller but I'm going to do it because I know that if I don't, I'll feel worse than if I didn't.
And I sometimes forget to pack my work shoes..... |
Soon, my pain and reluctance will turn into obsession and eagerness to be stronger, faster, and sexier than the day before. I remember how that feels and boy does it feel good. But sadly, I am weeks, possibly MONTHS away from that, but I have to start somewhere right?
Today I'm feeling especially flattered. I had no less than three people contact me separately and ask me for their help on getting them on track for eating. I'm no expert (i.e No degree in nutrition or anything like that) but I've had success in the past and apparently my efforts in 2013 are apparent.
Which is funny because today as I was walking out of the bathroom at work, giving the huge mirror a look, I felt like a poser. Here I am a HUGE advocate of Crossfit and Running and Paleo, yet I'm still just another girl trying to lose weight in January and looking the way I do.
If it was easy everybody would do it!
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
10 Rounds
Clean: 85lbs
15-14-13-12-11 KB Swings (25lbs)
10-9-8-7-6 T2B (ground)
5-4-3-2-1 Muscle Up (Jumping)
2.0 Run
Squat Snatch: 35lbs
3 Rounds
300 Meter Row
5 Over the Bar Burpees
7 Power Snatches
9 Pushups
1.50 Run
Strict Press: 70lbs
20 Thrusters (35lbs)
20 Push Press
20 OVS
20 Front Squat
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