Which is more? My 4 month old son OR the amount of weight I've lost since having him?
Got your answer? ok good. Now get ready to have your mind blown.
Shane's weight = the weight I've lost!
I find this completely amazing and if this keeps up I hope Shane weighs about 25lbs in the near future! :)
Today marks my 2nd month back at Crossfit and holy hell has it been one emotional roller coaster.
As I look back at my blog post about my running efforts of 2013, I feel slightly sad because I did have the best intentions to keep up with my running but there were two things I couldn't predict. A. My new life as a mom, and B. the weather (which is ironic because I married a meteorologist).
My life as a new mom was far more hectic, demanding, and exhausting than I could have ever imagined. With Dennis being away every other week for a week, it just proved too hard to do it by myself. Dennis and I would talk about my running schedule and planned as best as we could, but, like in most things in life, it hardly went to plan. So for right now, my "Year of Running" has been paused. I am hoping that once things settle down with Dennis' job and our big move coming up, I will be more able to fit running into my already tight schedule.
So now that that is off my chest, I come to celebrate my wins.
Even with the cold weather, a new born baby, and Dennis being gone half the month, I've been successful in losing 15lbs of my pregnancy weight, with only about 10 more to go.
I have to attribute this to getting a WOD in at least 3 times per week, cutting out the junk in my diet, and breastfeeding little Shane (about 500 calories burnt per day).
One of the hardest parts of starting Crossfit back up, was scaling the weights down to practically just the woman's bar. Which was a tough pill to swallow for me. But after only 2 months, my weights have been getting heavier and I've set a couple of new PR's in the process. Now I just have to get better and writing down my WODs going forward.
It's important the revisit your goals that you've set to make sure that they are obtainable and it's ok to readjust as needed. I know that not running half is a certainly for this year but for good reasons. Losing the rest of my pregnancy weight seems very obtainable and when I do that, I can start setting new goals.
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