I often feel as if I go through these phases of loving and hating running. Since running my two 5k's and watching the Biggest Losers complete a full marathon, I have been getting the itch to make some pretty hefty running goals for 2012.
It's always so funny how ambitious I get in December.
Since college when I got into running the most, I wanted to run a series of races.
10 Miler
Half Marathon
Something Between this distance
Pledge to run "X" amount of miles in a year. (Similar to the 100,000 meter rowing challenge that I failed).
I suggested this to Reformed Fatty last night while watching the Biggest Loser and I could tell he had his reservations about this type of goal.
The longest running race I've completed was the 10 Mile Broad Street Run and I swore that was going to be the max distance of running races I'd ever run because it was really really really really really hard. Side Note: I stopped training for it and I had just barely started Crossfit before running the race.
So I think the reason why it was really really really hard was because I really really really didn't put too much effort into training. And as I type these words I know it all goes back to my fear of success and my fear of failure. Oh the tangled webs we weave!
I am not sure what 2012 has in store for me just quite yet, but until then I will continue to think very long and hard about my fitness goals, and how I am going to achieve them.
250 Row
10 Ab Mat Sit ups
3 Rounds
3x2 Back Squats
3x2 Push Press from Behind
12 Minute AMRAP
10 Kettlebell Swings (16kg)
20 Double Unders
10 Dead lifts (135lbs)
3x7 Squat Cleans (65lbs)
Overhead Squats (55lbs)
Box Jumps (24inch)
Cash Out:
Max Rep Pull Up: 7 w/Purple Band
GHD Work
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