So I ran a half marathon yesterday and as usual I didnt train very well. (only got up to 8 miles) I was debating on doing it or not and thought to myself.. what would Karen do?? and I figured you would suck it up and run the race! (of course you would have trained and not been in this situation but anyway) thanks for still inspiring me even though you are miles away!!
After completing WEEK 1 of my running program I felt super accomplished. As of right now, I'm a stay at home mom, which, with all the unpacking, is harder than it sounds! So fitting in a run isn't as easy as I'd hoped, but so far, so good.
I came across the corner of Curiosity and Inspiration and started to think about what inspires me. And as if on cue, I received the above message on facebook.
I couldn't have been more flattered that this particular person was inspired by me and did something positive by keeping me in mind. Especially since I very much look up to her as a trainer, an athlete, and a friend.
Inspiration can be found in unexpected places, but I think for athletes, the biggest inspiration comes from others.
When I was a brand new Crossfit, I was inspired (and of course insanely frightened) by the talent I was surround by. Trainer Mike and Molly, Gerbino and Lindsay, Courtney and Frank were all people I would train with, yet they were leaps and bounds better than me, and all of them assured me that if I stuck to it, I would eventually be at that their level.
I personally do not think that I am inspiring in any way, but if simply posting how many miles I run in a day can make somebody else want to run, then so be it:
sxxxxh.sxxxn: Right now? just working. not sure what im doing tonight. maybe groceries and working out. Tomorrow im getting a pedicure, laundry, and packing for tomorrow night!
I ran 1 mile yesterday I was so proud lol
me: oh wow awesome
sxxxxh.sxxxn: You have inspired me
My advice, be yourself, be awesome and be inspired, you never know who YOU will inspire!
Post what/who inspires you to comments!