I'm going to write this blog as though I'm not almost a week behind!
After doing 12.4 I was so ready for my vacation, but since I wasn't leaving for it until Monday, I decided to get one last WOD in on Saturday. It was a partner WOD and it was pretty fun!
10 Minute AMRAP
200M Dumbbell Carry
1 partner does DB Carry & 1 partner does Max Reps Barbell PP
10 Minute AMRAP
20 Box Jumps
1 partner does BJ's & 1 partner does Max Abmats
Not sure what the scores were, but I know Joanne and I kicked some ass!
After the WOD I hung around for a little bit to watch some competitors go, but I knew I couldn't stay too long because I had to run last minute errands before vacation.
I had gone away with the hopes that I would do some working out, but it didn't happen. I slept late, I sat by the pool or on the beach and read, and walked around the hotel.
I didn't run, I didn't burpee, I didn't WOD, and I didn't feel bad about it either. I took the vacation for what it was, a vacation. I'm going to leave it at that.
I got back into PA on Friday night, which was nice having the weekend to get settled and organized for the week, and Saturday I knew I had to do teh 12.5 to finish out the Opens.
When I found out what the WOD was, I was really disappointment. 3 Thrusters, 3 Chest to Bar pull ups, 6 thrusters, 6 chest to bar pull ups and so on AMRAP in 7 minutes. The problem? I couldn't do the Chest to Bar pull ups so I knew my score was going to be 3.
After a while of thinking about it, I was ok with that. The Opens has to weed out the beginners somehow and this was a perfect way to do so. Even though I knew I was going to do 3 Thrusters and attempt a C2B for 6 minutes, I showed up and I tried and tried and tried.
I have to celebrate the fact that I did all 5 WODs the best to my ability and now I have a great report card to compare to next year. I've also learned a TON about myself over the last 5 weeks and I know what I need to focus on to keep improving.
I'm so proud of all the competitors that did so well and hat's off to all that qualified and made the team! GO 610!!!! Below are my final standings:
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