After our fantastic bike ride on Saturday, Sunday was spent at our community pool. Shane has been slowly becoming brave enough to enter the pool by himself and Seth, well he just sleeps in the shade and occasionally wants to be fed.
At lunch time, we packed up and headed back to the house to get some food. I had made pulled pork during the week and had a ton left over. The problem was that after I made the pork, I put it in a container and kept it out for it to cool. I forgot to put it in the fridge and it sat out over night. Dennis and I figured if we reheated it, we'd be fine. Yeah, we were wrong.
Hours after eating the "Cerdo Loco" I was its first victim. Without going into great details, I pretty much wanted to die. Dennis had already left to bartend and between cramping and vomitting, I texted him warning him that he is going to be experiencing extreme pain and when it strikes, get to a bathroom as soon as possible. He left early to come home, and thankfully he did as the "Cerdo Loco" started attacking him as soon as he got home and we were pretty miserable for the next 48 hours.
To look at the bright side, I got a FULL body cleanse in the most horrible, violent way possible. I jump started my weight loss (5lbs in 2 days) and literally was scared to eat anything for the rest of the week. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
As far as the week of WODs went, even though I was sick Monday - Tuesday, I was still able to get 3 work outs in (1 less than I prefer) but given my condition Sunday and Monday, I think that is damn impressive.
WOD: 5 Rounds for Time
10 Hang Power Snatch @ 55lbs
25 Wall Balls @ 10lbs
Score: 18:17
Strength: Front Squat 3x2 (85lbs, 95lbs, 105lbs)
WOD: 4 Rounds for Time
10 Handstand Pushups w/ 2 Matts
15 Kettlebell Swings @ 53lbs
Score: 7:55
WOD: 3 Rounds - 1 minute at each station
Row Cals
Over Head Walking Lunges @ 35lbs
Double Unders
Tire Flip
Strict Press 35lbs
Score: 207 Reps